Sunday, September 22, 2013

Climbing in France

New country, old sport.  Or maybe not so new country either. Back into the future, back to France, square "0", where I started almost fifteen years ago, where I attempt to continue the journey. Fortunately, rock is abundant in the vicinity to keep me company.

 Beautiful landscape in Gorges de la Cesse

One of my first visits in my new homeland was to the incredibly beautiful Gorges de la Cesse.  Little known outside the local enthusiast circle, the place has an old topo, and kilometers of high-quality routes, to climb and discover.

 Laurent up a 7b in Gorges de la Cesse

Next stop - another Gorges, de l'Aveyron this time. Another huge climbing area I've never heard of before, with at least 300-400 routes, from vertical slabs where feet are hard to trust or find, to unending tufas and bouldery overhangs. More routes to try out and enjoy, more friends to climb with.

Mathieu on a 7c in Couyrac, Gorges de l'Aveyron

Boudjemaa on a 7b+ in Couyrac, Gorges de l'Aveyron

St. Antonin village in the evening sun

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